When you first started talking, you were not an expert but you kept trying.
When you first started crawling, you were not an expert but you kept trying.
In fact, when you first started breathing you were not an expert. However, you wouldn't be reading this if you had not kept trying! You have been doing it for a long time now and are more than likely an expert breather. When you started breathing, you had no idea of all the mechanics involved or what it would eventually mean for you if you didn't try.
What is it today that you need or want to do? Something that you've never done before but today it's something that you believe will make a difference in your life or someone else's. When you think about trying this, you are deeply aware of your lack of expertise, experience, or comfort in doing this.
In fact, just thinking about "trying" taps into the kind of fear which makes you think of all the thousands of reasons why you can't and why this will not work. You have mentally recorded each reason and possibly even commit some reasons to being written on paper. The awareness of how woefully inadequate you are in this regard, is all too clear. Into your head, pops the image of all the people you know who could and are already doing this better.
What if you knew you had permission to try and not succeed at producing excellent results? What if it was okay to try another time? How about 100 times and still not be an expert? What if each time you became a little better at doing it or became better as a person in the process of "trying?" What if you allowed yourself to enjoy the process of not demanding immediate excellence but eventually becoming able to do something and get better and better along the way?
What is it that you want or need to do, experience or learn that will require a first try in the midst of the fear ?
What will you potentially "lose out on" if you do not try?
What might you gain?
How might you be changed by trying?
If you decide to try and do not "succeed" on your first try, what will you do?
You have a choice.